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Buffon Weekend Intensive with Robyn Hambrook


Saturday 25th February 10am-5pm


Sunday-26th February 10am-5pm


Join Robyn Hambrook for a weekend deep dive into the intense, fun and liberating world of the bouffon.

The dark cousin of the clown, sharp and dangerous, the Bouffon revel in parody, mockery and wit.

The Bouffon “... believe in nothing and make fun of everything” according to Jacques Lecoq.

And through breaking social conventions, the bouffon can access extreme levels of freedom, laughter, intelligence and emotion.


Over the two days we will explore this fantastic comedic form through: Complicity, Bouffon Chorus, Emotional Freedom, Laughter, Bouffon position to the audience, and Parody. Participants will explore rhythms of a different, ‘fantastic’ body (grotesque, distorted and abstract).

The position of Bouffon can be an incredibly liberating and powerful experience for participants. It’s a physical form that trains presence, immediacy, improvisation and imagination.



This course is suitable for clowns, actors and performers interested in broadening their repertoire or exploring the political edges of their work. For non-actors the bouffon provides a safe place to let go, loosen up and feel free.


“A must for anyone wanting to take their connection with and ideas for theatre work a little closer to a devilish cutting edge. ”
~ Participant - Laboratory of The Un-Beautiful Weekend Intensive


Facilitators: Robyn Hambrook

Language: English

Location: remise/werkstatt für clownforschung

Participants: 12


Early Bird Spaces 1-6  € 175 - booked

                 Spaces 6-12 €195 -  fully booked, waiting list only




Should you wish to cancel your booking, your course fee will be reimbursed, if a replacement participant is found for your spot. The course will take place when at least 6 participants have signed up. If the course is cancelled, your deposit will be refunded in full.

General Terms and Conditions








Robyn is a Bristol-based director, teacher and performer. With over 20 years experience she is a passionate practitioner of clowning, physical theatre, circus and street arts. She has a MA in Circus Directing, a Diploma of Physical Theatre Practice and trained with a long line of inspiring teachers including Holly Stoppit, Peta Lily, Giovanni Fusetti, Jon Davison, Zuma Puma and Deanna Fleysha.

Robyn has collaborated with companies including Let’s Circus, The Sexual Health Circus and Whispering Wood Folk and performed with acclaimed physical theatre companies including, Derevo, Akhe, Oceanallover, and Gappad as well as her own award-winning company, Fun in the Oven Theatre.

During the pandemic in 2020, Robyn set up The Online Clown Academy with Holly Stoppit and developed a series of Zoom Clown Courses. Robyn’s research, started during her Masters, has been exploring the meeting point of clowning and activism, online, in the real world and with international collaborators. With this drive to explore political edges of her work she has also dived back into the world of the Bouffon; training with Jaime Mears, Bim Mason, Nathaniel Justiniano, Eric Davis, Tim Licata, Al Seed and the grand master Bouffon-himself; Philippe Gaulier. She has also set up the Laboratory of the Un-beautiful; a collaboration with Deborah Antoinette Bard, exploring the bouffon & grotesque with womxn theatre makers.